Hibernate. First Plain old java object needs to be written, XML mapping. Hibernate APIs can be used to store persistent. Explain about hibernate. Ans. Hibernate can be configured with two types of files out of which. Hibernate consults. These files are searched. OLD/3.1.0.GA/en/hibernatetools/html_single/images/plugins/plugins_17.png' alt='Update Data In Database Using Hibernate Tools' title='Update Data In Database Using Hibernate Tools' />Explain about mapping description file Ans. Mapping description file is the second file which Hibernate uses to. This mapping file has an extension. Java class and database tables. The usage of. mapping description file rests entirely upon the business entity. In last tutorial, you use Maven to create a simple Java project structure, and demonstrate how to use Hibernate in Spring framework to do the data manipulation works. The Java Persistence API JPA is a Java application programming interface specification that describes the management of relational data in applications using Java. Hibernate ORM enables developers to more easily write applications whose data outlives the application process. As an ObjectRelational Mapping ORM framework. Hibernate Caching Learn Hibernate in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Overview, Architecture, Environment. In this article you will learn about Primefaces 5 and Hibernate 5 CRUD using NetBeans 8. MySQL Database Server. Hibernate interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced Object Relational Model, advantages of ORM, Hibernate framework, how to configure Hibernate. KX8Wn6n8w8/UNgIJMYZiAI/AAAAAAAACOA/7ZV8e2HCCD0/s1600/8+view+created+files.jpg' alt='Update Data In Database Using Hibernate Tools' title='Update Data In Database Using Hibernate Tools' />Explain about transaction file Ans. Transactions denote a work file which can save changes made or revert. A transaction can be started by. Transaction and it uses JDBC connection, CORBA or JTA. When this session starts several transactions may occur. Explain about mapping files in Hibernate Ans. Mapping files forms the core of any database mapping tools. These files. contain field to field mapping, usually this mapping occurs between. After mapping files they can be persist to the. Tags can be used to indicate the presence of a primary key. What is the effect when a transient mapped object is passed onto a Sessions save Ans. When a session. Garbage collection and termination. Java virtual machine stays as long as it is deleted explicitly. It may head back to its transient state. Explain about version field Ans. Application level data integrity constants are important if you are. Higher level locking or versioning protocol is required to support. Version field usage comes at this stage but the design and. Explain State some advantages of hibernate Ans Some of the advantages which a developer can get from Hibernate are as follows Mapping of one POJO table to one table is not required in hibernate. It. supports inheritance relationships and is generally a fast tool. Portability is necessary the greater benefit from hibernate. POJOs can. be used in other applications where they are applicable. Explain about add. Class function Ans. This function translates a Java class name into file name. This. translated file name is then loaded as an input stream from the Java. This addclass function is important if you want efficient. Explain about addjar and add. Directory methodsAns. These methods are the most convenient to use in hibernate. These. methods allow you to load all your Hibernate documents at a time. Free Software For Inventory Management System here. These. methods simplify code configuration, refactoring, layout, etc. These. functions help you to add your hibernate mapping to Hibernate. Explain about the id field Ans. This id field corresponds to the surrogate key which is generated by. These fields are handled by the id field. Name attribute. is used to specify the names of the field and it should correspond to. This also should correspond to long type and. I the database in the long column. What are the most common methods of Hibernate configuration Ans The most common methods of Hibernate configuration are.