Explain the different types of Severity User Interface Defect Low. Boundary Related Defects Medium. Error Handling Defects Medium. Calculation Defects High. Step1.png' alt='Devcon Windows 7 Devcon Failed To Detect' title='Devcon Windows 7 Devcon Failed To Detect' />Interpreting Data Defects High. Hardware Failures Problems High. Compatibility and Intersystem defects High. Control Flow defects High. Load conditions Memory leakages under load testing High. What is the difference between Priority. Severity The terms Priority and Severity are used in Bug Tracking to share the. Severity Is found in the Application point of view. Priority Is found in the User point of. Severity tells the seriousnessdepth of the bugThe Severity status is used to explain how badly the deviation is affecting the build. The severity type is defined by the tester based on the written test cases and functionality. Example. If an application or a web page crashes when a. PRIORITY tells which bug should. The Priority status is set by the tester to the developer mentioning the time frame to fix a defect. If High priority is mentioned then the developer has to fix it at the earliest. The priority status is set based on the customer requirements. Example If the company name is misspelled in the home. Severity Describes the bug in terms of functionality. Priority Describes the bug in terms of customer. Few examples High Severity and Low Priority. Application doesnt allow customer expected configuration. High Severity and High Priority Application doesnt allow multiple. Low Severity and High Priority No error message to prevent wrong. Low Severity and low Priority Error message is having complex meaning. Or. Few examples High Severity Low priority. Supposing, you try the wildest or the weirdest. The priority would be low as the. Low Severity High priority. An example would be you find a spelling. Say, the name is. Google and its spelled there as Gaogle. Though, it doesnt. Hence, the priority is high. High severity High Priority. A bug which is a show stopper. An example would be a run time. Low severity low priority. Cosmetic bugs. What is Defect SeverityA defect is a product anomaly or flaw, which is. The classification of defect based. Defect Severity. 5. What is Bucket Testing Bucket testing also known as AB Testing is mostly used to study the impact of. What is Entry and Exit Criteria in Software Testing Entry Criteria is the process that must be present when a system begins, like, SRS Software Requirement Specification FRS Functional Requirement Specification Usecase Test Case Test plan. Exit Criteria ensures whether testing is. Test Summary Report. Metrics. Defect Analysis report. What is Concurrency Testing Concurrency Testing also commonly known as Multi User Testing is used to know. Application, Code Module or Database by different. It helps in identifying and measuring the problems in. Response time, levels of locking and deadlocking in the application. Example. Load runner is widely used for this type of. Vugen Virtual User Generator is used to add the number of concurrent. Gradual Ramp up or Spike Stepped. Explain Statement coverageCode coverageLine Coverage Statement Coverage or Code Coverage or Line Coverage is a metric used in White. Box Testing where we can identify the statements executed and where the code is. In this process each and every line of the code. Some advantages of Statement Coverage Code. Coverage Line Coverage are. It verifies what the written code is expected to do and not to do. It measures the quality of code written. It checks the flow of different paths in the program also ensure whether those paths are tested or not. To Calculate Statement Coverage,Statement Coverage Statements Tested Total. No. of Statements. Explain Branch CoverageDecision Coverage Branch Coverage or Decision Coverage metric is used to check the volume of. This process is used to ensure whether all the. To Calculate Branch Coverage,Branch Coverage Tested Decision Outcomes. Total Decision Outcomes. What is the difference between High level and Low Level test case High level Test cases are those which cover major functionality in the. Low level test cases are those related to User Interface UI in the. Explain Localization testing with exampleLocalization is the process of changing or modifying an application to a. This includes change in user interface, graphical. In terms of Localization Testing it verifies how correctly the application is. In case of translation required of the application on that local language. Other. formats like date conversion, hardware and software usage like operating system. Examples for Localization Testing are. In Islamic Banking all the transactions and. Shariah Law, some important points to be noted in. Islamic Banking are. In Islamic Banking, the bank shares the profit and loss with the customer. In Islamic Banking, the bank cannot charge interest on the customer instead they charge a nominal fee which is termed as Profit. In Islamic Banking, the bank will not deal or invest in business like Gambling, Alcohol, Pork, etc. In this case, we need to test whether these Islamic banking conditions were. In Islamic Lending, they follow both the Gregorian calendar and Hijiri Calendar. The Hijiri Calendar is commonly. Islamic Calendar followed in all the Muslim countries according to the. The Hijiri Calendar has 1. Gregorian calendar. In this case, we need to test the repayment. Gregorian calendar and Hijiri Calendar. Explain Risk Analysis in Software Testing In Software Testing, Risk Analysis is the process of identifying risks in. In Software testing some unavoidable risk might takes place like. Change in requirements or Incomplete requirements. Time allocation for testing. Developers delaying to deliver the build for testing. Urgency from client for delivery. Defect Leakage due to application size or complexity. To overcome these risks, the following activities can be done. Conducting Risk Assessment review meeting with the development team. Profile for Risk coverage is created by mentioning the importance of each area. Using maximum resources to work on High Risk areas like allocating more testers for High risk areas and minimum resources for Medium and Low risk areas. Creation of Risk assessment database for future maintenance and management review. What is the difference between Two Tier. Architecture and Three Tier Architecture In Two Tier Architecture or ClientServer Architecture two layers like. Client and Server is involved. The Client sends request to Server and the Server. The problem with the Two. Tier Architecture is the server cannot respond to multiple requests at the same. The ClientServer Testing involves testing the Two Tier Architecture of user. Client. Hardware and Servers. Basics Of Manual TestingAutomation is a part, but Manual is Heart of. What is software testing Software Testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent. Software testing is the process used to help identify the Correctness. Completeness, Security and Quality of the developed Computer Software OR The process of evaluating the software application or program to find the. Software testing has three main purposes Verification Validation and Defect finding. The verification process confirms that the. Its a. Process based application. The Defect is a variance between the expected and actual result. The defects. ultimate source may be traced to a fault introduced in the specification. Describe the difference between validation and verification. Verification is done by frequent evaluation and meetings to appraise the. Microsoft Outlook Does Not Recognize 2013 Dodge. This is done with the. Validation is done during actual testing and it takes place after all the. Difference between Test case and Use case Use cases are prepared by business analysts from the functional requirement. FRS according to the user requirements. Test case are prepared by Test Engineer based on the use case. The test case is. Testing MethodologyMeans what kind of approach is following while testing e. Regression testing, Retesting, Confirmation testing. Exploratory Testing With out the knowledge of requirements, testing is done by giving random inputs. Ad Hoc testing Testing without a formal test plan or outside of a test plan. Bug life cycle It has the following life cycle such as New When the bug is posted for the first time is called new. Open After the tester sends the bug, the lead checks if it genuine then it is called as open. Assign After the lead checks, he assigns to the developer and that state is called assign. Test Before the developer releases the software with bug fixed, he changes the state of bug to TEST. Fixed When the developer resolved the bug the status is fixed. Reopen If the bug still exists even after the bug is fixed by the developer, the tester changes the status to reopen. Closed If the bug is no more the status is closed. V Model V model is a model in which verification and validation parallely. As soon as we. get the requirement from the customer, the left side is verification done and. Short duration project like 6 months Water fall model is followed, longer. V Model is followed. Water fall model is much easier than V. Model. Test plan Test plan specifies process and scheduling of an application. Test lead Prepares test plan document based on what to test, how to test, when to test. It covers the entire testing activity. SRS Software requirement specification SRS. It describes what the software will do. Requirement Traceability Matrix RTM It is the mapping between customer requirements and prepared test cases. This is. used to find whether all the requirements are covered or not. Different Levels of testing Unit Testing. Integrated Testing. System Testing. Acceptance Testing. Unit Testing Testing the individual. The testing done to a unit or to a smallest piece of software. Done to verify if. The Tools used in Unit Testing are debuggers, tracers and is done by. Programmers. Integration Testing. Testing the related modules together for its combined functionality. System Testing. System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as. Testing the software for the required specifications. System integration testing. System integration testing is the process of verifying the synchronization. User Acceptance Testing It the testing done with the intent of. Customer acceptance. Testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance. It is done against requirements and is done by actual users. Acceptance Testing Formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its. Compatibility testing. Compatibility testing, part of software non functional tests, is testing. Computing environment may contain some or all of the. Computing capacity of Hardware Platform IBM 3. HP 9. 00. 0, etc. Bandwidth handling capacity of networking hardware. Compatibility of peripherals Printer, DVD drive, etc. Operating systems MVS, UNIX, Windows, etc. Database Oracle, Sybase, DB2, etc. Other System Software Web server, networking messaging tool, etc. Browser compatibility Firefox, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. Installation Testing. System testing conducted once again according to hardware configuration. Installation procedures may also be verified Functional Testing. It checks that the functional specifications are correctly implemented. Can also. check if Non Functional behavior is as per expectations. Stress testing. To evaluate a system beyond the limits of the specified requirements or system. Load Testing. Load Testing, a subset of stress testing, verifies that a web site can handle a. Scalability Testing is used to check whether the functionality and performance. Scalability testing can be done using load test with various software and. Regression Testing Testing the application to find whether the change. Regression Testing is selective retesting of a system or component to verify. It is repetition of. It can be done. at each test level. Performance Testing. To evaluate the time taken or response time of the system to perform its. ALPHA TESTING Testing is done near the completion of project. Testing of a software product or system conducted at the developers site by the. BETA TESTING Testing is done after the completion of project. Testing conducted at one or more customer sites by the end user of a delivered. Usability Testing Testing the ease with which users can learn and use. Usability testing is a technique used to evaluate a product by testing it on. This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it gives. This is in contrast with. ORIt evaluates the Human Computer Interface. Verifies for ease of use by. Verifies ease of learning the software, including user documentation. Checks how effectively the software functions in supporting user tasks. Checks. the ability to recover from user errors. Data Flow Testing Selects test paths according to the location of definitions and use of. Loop Testing. Loops fundamental to many algorithms. Can define loops as simple, concatenated. Examples. Note that unstructured loops are not to be tested. Rather, they are redesigned. Configuration Testing. It is used when software meant for different types of users. It also checks that. Recovery Testing. It is used in verifying software restart capabilities after a disaster ORRecovery testing is the activity of testing how well an application is able to. Examples of recovery testing While an application is running, suddenly restart the computer, and afterwards check the validness of the applications data integrity. While an application is receiving data from a network, unplug the connecting cable. After some time, plug the cable back in and analyze the applications ability to continue receiving data from the point at which the network connection disappeared. Restart the system while a browser has a definite number of sessions. Afterwards, check that the browser is able to recover all of them. Security Testing. Security testing is a process to determine that an information system protects. ORSecurity testing is the process that determines that confidential data stays.