Roaming profiles and Start Tiles Tile. Data. Layer in the Windows 1. Creators Update 4sysops. Microsoft deprecated the Tile. Data. Layer model in the Windows 1. Creators Update. In this post, I describe a hack that allows you to work with Start Tiles in roaming user profiles. James is a consultant from the UK, specializing mainly in end user computing, Active Directory and client side monitoring. When not implementing projects for his company HTG, he can often be found blogging, writing technical articles and speaking at conferences and user groups. Latest posts by James Rankin see allThe latest feature update released for Windows 1. Creators Updatebrings a host of new features and refinements. BreakTaker is a simple, lightweight application for Windows that reminds you to take breaks while working on your computer. Windows 10 Zoom solved Did Microsoft really fix the freezing issue on the Windows 10 Anniversary Update solved Really Microsoft really. See what is new in the Visual Studio Code July 2017 Release 1. However, one point often missed is that Microsoft can also deprecate features between Windows 1. In the release version, there was a much derided feature called Wifi Sense, which allowed you to share wireless network information with lists of friends such as Outlook Contacts. They quietly took this out and gave it a bullet in the head with the Anniversary Update, and because it was a feature not many people were even keen on, there were very few candles lit for its passing. Windows Update Settings Changed Automatically Adjust' title='Windows Update Settings Changed Automatically Adjust' />When developers deprecate features that users have become used to and that possibly make them more productive, there may very well be disruption and pushback from the user base. Thats bad enoughbut when the changes affect administrative and management functions, there is even more uproar. Often, enterprises put into place tweaks and workarounds that are specific to their environments. And the need to change these tweaks and workarounds can cause extra overhead for IT departments. Deprecated Tile. Data. Windows Update Settings Changed Automatically Adjust ColumnsWhat follows is a pagebypage guide of Windows 10 Anniversary Update referred to as AU forthwith privacy settings, so you know exactly what to toggle, when to. If youve recently bought a Windows 10 machine or upgraded your PC to Windows 10, you might be wondering how secure the operating system is. Luckily, by de. Layer model A good case in point is roaming profiles and the Start Tiles. I wrote an article previously explaining how to get the Start Tiles included into a roaming profile with a fairly ugly hack. The concept of Start Tiles was new to Windows 1. After a period of adaptation and experimentation, admins accepted that the data controlling the Start Tiles experience had moved to LOCALAPPDATATile. Data. LayerDatabase, and that capturing this folder into a roaming profile would allow porting the settings from device to device. However, the Creators Update lists the Tile. Data. Layer model as one of the deprecated features see this for further details on other features the update removed or deprecated. Deprecated means the feature is not in active development andplanned for potential removal in subsequent releases. Our testing indicates this is indeed true they havent completely done away with the Tile. Data. Layeryet. But on the surface at least, using the method from the previous article to deal with roaming profiles and the Start Tiles no longer works with the 1. This is probably because Microsoft have started to put the new method in place and are in a period of transition towards it. Digging under the hood indicates this speculation appears accurate. It seems there has been some movement away from the Tile. Data. Layer model, which now necessitates some extra changes to the hack we have previously used. Start Tiles in roaming profiles First, you need to ensure this Registry value is set in HKEYLOCALMACHINE for roaming profiles to function correctly on the 1. Windows 1. 0. Its not entirely clear what this value does, but it appears to allow customization of the Start MenuTiles even in situations where custom start tiles policies are applied. Key HKEYLOCALMACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionExplorer. Value Special. Roaming. Override. Allowed. Type REGDWORDValue 1. Next, you need to adjust the data in your Exclude. Profile. Dirs value to allow saving these folders in addition to the Tile. Data. Layer folder, because these appear to be the areas where Microsoft are shifting the Start Tiles data towards. App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsCloud. Store. App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsCaches. App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsExplorer you may only need this one if you see problems in the ordering or presentation of items on the Start TilesIts also implicit in a roaming profile situation that you would be saving the entire user Registry hive, but if you were using another solution to achieve this, the Registry key that at least for the 1. Start Tiles is this HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionCloud. Store. The folders now required for the Start Menu settings. To give you a place to start, Ive included the results from my testing, which I used for the Exclude. Profile. Dirs value and which allowed me to roam the Start Menu settings in their entirety. However, given that the value is exclusion based, you will have to test and ensure there arent any additional LOCALAPPDATA folders you need to add to this list, based on the applications loaded within your base image. This seems to work pretty well in my lab, but you will need to test it thoroughly in specific enterprise environments. As mentioned in the previous article, you can easily set this via Group Policy. Key HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogon. Value Exclude. Roaming. Profile. Dirs. Data App. DataLocal. Low Recycle. Bin One. Drive Work. Folders App. DataLocalComms App. DataLocalConnected. Devices. Platform App. DataLocalGoogle App. DataLocalGroup. Policy App. DataLocalMozilla App. DataLocalPackages App. DataLocalPublishers App. DataLocalPeer. Dist. Repub App. DataLocalTemp App. DataLocalVirtual. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Sdk Setup Error The Language. Store App. DataLocalWinternals App. DataLocalAdobe App. DataLocalApple App. DataLocalApple. Computer App. DataLocalAutodesk App. DataLocalChromium App. DataLocalCrash. Dumps App. DataLocalNVIDIA App. DataLocalNVIDIACorporation App. DataLocalSkype App. DataLocalWeb. Ex App. DataLocalFoxit. Reader App. DataLocalMacromedia App. DataLocalMicrosoftCorporation App. DataLocalReal App. DataLocalDrop. Box App. DataLocalVmware App. DataLocalWindows. Live App. DataLocalCrash. Dumps App. DataLocalCitrix App. DataLocalMicrosoftApp. V App. DataLocalMicrosoftCredentials App. DataLocalMicrosoftFeeds App. DataLocalMicrosoftFeeds. Cache App. DataLocalMicrosoftGame. DVR App. DataLocalMicrosoftGroup. Policy App. DataLocalMicrosoftInput. Personalization App. DataLocalMicrosoftInstall. Agent App. DataLocalMicrosoftInternet. Explorer App. DataLocalMicrosoftMedia. Player App. DataLocalMicrosoftOne. Drive App. DataLocalMicrosoftPen. Workspace App. DataLocalMicrosoftPlay. Ready App. DataLocalMicrosoftVault App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindows. Live App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindows. Sidebar App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindows. Apps App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsUPPS App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindows1. App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsAction. Center. Cache App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsApplication. Shortcuts App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsBurn App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsGame. Explorer App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsHistory App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsIECompat. Cache App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsIECompat. Ua. Cache App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsINet. Cache App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsINet. Cookies App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsNotifications App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsOffline. Files App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsPower. Shell App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsPRICache App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsRingtones App. DataLocalMicrosoftWindowsRoaming. Laptop will not connect to TV via HDMI anymore. Only Static on Screen. Windows 8 Update Problem Laptops. I have a Lenovo z. Laptop can give detailed spec if needed and an LG HD TV. Laptop is running Windows 8. I have had the laptop connected to the TV via HDMI for a few months now. Not all the time but would connect to watch Netflix, play games etc. Last night I tried to set up my girlfriends laptop so that it could also connect to the TV via HDMI. I switched the output to duel screen in the control panel and the TV went from No Signal to static. I tried to work out why this was happening but couldnt. I connected my laptop to the TV to check it would still connect as usual but found that the same thing was happening. The laptop was connected but I was only getting static. Tested the cable on my ps. HDMI port on the TV. Tried the laptop in a different HDMI port on the TV and had the same problem of just static on the screen. Unfortunately I dont have another TV to test the laptop on. Have tried to adjust the frequency, which was set at 5. Hz, to 6. 0Hz but it didnt make a difference. Tried rebooting laptop. Connecting first then turning the laptop on. Very confused by this because it has been working fine for months then suddenly it stopped. Possibly it could be due to a Windows update The last time I had the laptop connected and working well was about 2 weeks ago. During this time my laptop installed a Windows update. I think this is the only thing that has changed. Is anyone else having similar problems after a windows 8 update in the last few weeks Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.