Access 2. Basics Part 2 WBTThis course addresses table relationships, including the different types of relationships and how to build each one. Access 2. 01. 3 Basics Part 3 WBTThe course addresses queries and their creation, including types of queries, criteria, joins, and intermediate tables. Access 2. 01. 3 Read Only Queries WBTThis course shows you what to do when you cant change the data returned by a query. It addresses the most common causes and solutions to deal with this problem. Access 2. 01. 3 Making the Switch to 2. WBTThis course covers the differences in Access 2. Access 2. 01. 3, including how to create and manage new files, using files from previous version, etc. Access 2. 01. 3 Stop Query WBTThis course shows you how to make a parameter query stop asking for input. It also addresses the problems found in expressions. Access 2. 01. 3 Query Criteria WBTThis course shows you how to filter your date by using criteria, including adding criteria to queries, using AND and OR logic, logical operators like IN and BETWEEN, and wildcards. Access 2. 01. 3 Parameter Criteria WBTThis course shows you how to use parameters to filter your query. It also shows you how to add parameters to your queries so they ask for your input before they run. Interactive PowerPoint 2010 training. Learn how to create, edit, and share presentations with these tutorials. Access 2. 01. 3 Update Query WBTThis course shows you how to change data safely by building update queries. Access 2. 01. 3 Date Criteria WBTThis course covers how to use date criteria in queries, including calculated fields, Date. File Formats Help How do I view different file formats PDF, DOC, PPT, MPEG on this site Adobe PDF file Microsoft PowerPoint file Microsoft Word file. This is great info for linking from Word to a specific PPT slide THANK YOU, but when I do I get a box that says Microsoft has identified a potential security. Powerpoint training How to make a picture slideshow in powerpoint 2007 with music. Whats the difference between PowerPoint versions from Microsoft Find out about the new design themes, the presenters view and improved collaboration features. Diff, Date. Add, etc. Adobe WBTAdobe PS Adjust Colors WBT. This course shows how to adjust the colors in a layered composition using the Color Balance, HueSaturation. BrightnessContrast adjustment layers. Also, how to resize the layers panel. Adobe PS Brightness Contrast WBT. This course shows how to correct the brightness and contrast of an image using editable adjustment. The video demonstrates how to resize image thumbnails and adjust vibrance and saturation. Adobe PS Crop an Image WBT. This course shows how to crop and rotate images using the Crop tool. The video also reviews the angle. Rotate View tool. TIP-XLS07INTRO-2.jpg' alt='Training Microsoft Excel 2007 Ppt' title='Training Microsoft Excel 2007 Ppt' />These cheatsheets are meant to be used as part of a larger training plan, as mentioned in our blog post on How to Use our Accessibility Cheatsheets. Get more done at home and at work. Find out how our Office training courses can help you harness the power of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more. Adobe PS Developing Raw Photographs WBT. This course shows how to develop raw photographs using Adobe Camera Raw. The video will navigate. Temperature and Tint sliders, and use the White Balance tool. Adobe Photoshop Getting Photos WBT. This course shows how to use the Photo Downloader Utility included with Photoshop. The video also. demonstrates how to retrieve images from a digital camera, organize photos on a hard drive, and name images. Adobe PS Resize an Image WBT. This course shows how to resize an image using the Size command, print an image at a certain size. Adobe PS Retouch Blemishes WBT. This course shows how to retouch blemishes using the Healing Brush and the Patch Tool. The video. displays how to set a source point, clone areas, and paint over scars, pimples, and age spots. Adobe PS Select Portions of Images WBT. This course shows how to select one portion of an image. The video displays how to use the Magic. Wand, Brush, and Move tools to perform independent edits. Adobe PS Sharpen Details WBT. This course shows how to sharpen the detail inside an image, use the Smart Sharpen filter to exaggerate. Adobe PS Working with Layers WBT. This course shows how to work with layers in Photoshop. The video uses the Color Range command and. The learner is also shown how to jump an image to an independent layer. Adapting to Change WBT. Change is seldom easy. Unfortunately, though, the only thing that is constant is change. Change happens in every aspect of our lives and we. We do, however, have a choice as to how we deal with change. This course will give you strategies to help you deal with, accept, and ultimately, thrive during the change process. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to discuss the drivers and types of organizational change, describe the stages of change, recognize how change affects individuals, and apply strategies to thrive personally during the change process. Adult Learning Principles WBT. Whether you are facilitating a class or just training a new employee, considering the needs of your learner is crucial to the success of both you, as the trainer, and the learner. This course explains the basic principles of adult learning and offers practical tips for meeting the needs of those you may be training. A downloadable job aid that summarizes the principles and offers application techniques is available under Resources in the course. For the final assessment, you will participate in a classroom simulation that offers you opportunities to apply different strategies. Benchmarking Basics WBT. This course is designed to help you discover new ways to stay at the top of the competitive high performance chain by providing you with a basic. Building Trust WBT. One of the most important and valued characteristics of a well led team or organization is trust. Gaining the trust of those you supervise. Trust may take some time and effort to earn, but it can be destroyed in an instant by careless or thoughtless actions. This course is designed to help the supervisor gain, maintain, and if necessary rebuild the level of trust within his or her team. Business Writing WBT. This course provides users with information on how to form and deliver effective business writing. It is intended for all state employees. Change Management WBT. Change is difficult, especially in organizations. Any type of change upsets the established norm and creates an adjustment. Organizations cannot change unless people change. As a leader, if you want to facilitate change in your area. You need to understand people. This course will give you strategies to help you implement. After completing this course, you will be able to explain the basic principles of change. Civil Service Essentials for Supervisors WBT. This course provides users with information about the history of Civil Service, the supervisory role within Civil Service. Intended for state supervisors in Supervisory Group 1. Common Myths That Affect Good Supervision WBT. This course examines a number of harmful, common myths that exist in the state government workforce. The course deconstructs these myths, and offers specific management techniques to correct behavior resulting from these. Intended for state supervisors in Supervisory Group 1. Communicating Top Down Messages WBT. This course discusses strategies for effectively communicating within the chain of command. Cost To Install Magic Eye 3D.