Ask Greil current Greil. Marcus. net. In which readers ask Greil Marcus questions and he answers them. To submit your own question, email admingreilmarcus. Ask Greil. Alternatively, you can use the submission form at the bottom of this page. See also the 2. Ask Greil. Ive been listening constantly to the solo version of Feel Like Going Home by Charlie Rich, pretty much since the election. Rich has always been a personal favorite since I was introduced to his music by you and Peter Guralnick. I was wondering if youd ever had the chance to speak with Rich, and where youd fit him in the scope of Southern music. David Mc. Clure. I met Charlie Rich to shake hands with in Memphis, when he performed as the recipient of a Memphis Music Award. He died soon after. I dont think he ever fit, either expectations or genres, unless it was a two person genre made up of himself and Joe Tex. He and his wife Margaret Ann were songwriters, and he was a soul singer. Mohair Sam is a wonderful record but in a lot of ways a complete anomaly. Life Has Its Little Ups and Downs was where his music was always going. I like what he said about why he didnt like happy music I dont think it says anything. I really enjoy reading your Real Life Rock Top 1. My friend, who is an especially huge fan, is quick to send them to me. I appreciate your wittiness and the way in which you engage your readers. Plus, I always learn something new. My question is in regards to Eminem The Storm, on BET Hip Hop Awards BET, October 1. Can you explain what you mean by Eminems solo attack being more frightening to me than anything that Donald Trump has said in the last year or that anyone else has said about him. Ive read this section several times and I am not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to communicate. Thank you. Tracy from Maryland. It had an intensity, a sense of shock, that cut right to my heart and past it. In 1. 96. 0 1. 96. Mainstream Obscurity is what happens to a famous successful work intended for a wide general audience, that succeeds so well and becomes so known, that. Robert Crumb Keep On Truckin Comic' title='Robert Crumb Keep On Truckin Comic' />A list of the major false memories people are reporting, suggesting alternate time streams. An original cover by underground comix artist Robert Crumb sold for 717,000, a new record price for a piece of American comic art, at the Heritage Comics. Robert Crumb is considered by many to be the single best cartoonist America has ever produced. The creator of counter culture icons like Fritz the Cat, the Keep On. In which readers ask Greil Marcus questions and he answers them. To submit your own question, email admingreilmarcus. Ask Greil. Directed by Terry Zwigoff. With Robert Crumb, Aline Kominsky, Charles Crumb, Maxon Crumb. An intimate portrait of the controversial cartoonist and his traumatized family. About R. Crumb, Robert Crumb, Cartoonist, Comic Illustrator, Underground Comics Ilustrator. Robert Crumb est un auteur de bande dessine amricain, et un musicien compositeur, n Philadelphie le 30 aot 1943. Cest lune des figures de proue du comix. Crumb is a 1994 documentary film about the noted underground cartoonist Robert Crumb R. Crumb and his family. Directed by Terry Zwigoff and produced by Lynn O. Official store for Robert Crumb tshirts. Find Fritz the Cat, Mr. Natural, XYZ Comics, ZAP Comics, Head Comix, and many other R. Crumb comic characters on www. Robert Crumb Keep On Truckin TattooHowlin Wolf recorded Wang Dang Doodle, Back Door Man, Spoonful, Down in the Bottom, Shake for Me, Youll Be Mine, and Going Down Slow. Are you bewildered at this, how he could make this earth rattling music I think his best at age 5. Also, when and how were you first exposed to Howlin Wolfs music, and how did you respond Randy. I was first exposed to just that musicThe Rockin Chair Album. Car Window Tint Jackson Tn Jobs. I fell on the floor. I never thought about his ageI must have thought 3. I didnt know anything. My God. 1. 12. 21. I read Soul Music and its Double or 0. Im in complete agreement with the idea that over souling has turned soul music as its sung by far too many of todays singers into its oppositereduced it to a set of techniques that has destroyed the essence of the songand does nothing but call attention to the singers egotistical drive to outdo another singer. Overall this certainly fits Manny Farbers concept of hard sell art. But doesnt it also fit his concept of termite art Melisma eating itselfcompetitively pushing past its own boundariesfor the sake of nothing other than pushing past its own boundarieswith no concern that the work as a whole has been stood on its head and destroyedIf you allow that melismatic madness has termite aspectsdoesnt that compromise the Farber distinctions as they might apply to todays music scene Too much melisma is, I think, really about competition among singerswith no care or awareness of the larger goals. I know at least one of the over riffers that I hear who cites Stevie Wonder and Donny Hathaway as formative influences. Where, when, and who would you charge as the main culprits in this decline Unfortunately people today like these empty displays of technique. And, for all I know, maybe they always did in all genres. Ultimately, like in so many other things, its the voters fault for contemporary conditions. A peculiar fact about termite tapeworm fungus moss art is that it goes always forward eating its own boundaries my emphasis and, likely as not leaves nothing in its path other than the signs of eager, industrious, unkempt activity. David Rabinovitz. The difference is that the termite doesnt care where its going, it has no goal, its just eating awayand the over souler knows exactly where he or she is going to the bank. Thats the idea, anyway thats the goal. To me over souling is the epitome of termite arts opposite, white elephant art a house constantly being overburdened by more rooms, lattice work, gables and balconies, all painted with gold trim. And inside You wouldnt want to go inside. Thank you for your reply to my post regarding the whole Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations issueit was a much more measured and respectful response than my rant probably deserved. Although I did seem to rattle you into making a rare grammatical errorsomething to brag to the grandkids about. I cant argue with your main pointJuanita Broaddrick joining Donald Trumps pre debate parade of Clinton accusers does make her guilty of having a double standard. That fact, though, is rendered largely unimportant by either possible answer to the simple, enormous question central to all this is Broaddrick being truthful when she says that Bill Clinton raped her If the answer to that question is yes, then Broaddrick aligned herself with an asshole who spoke in the abstract about sexually assaulting women in order to turn the heat up on the man who brutally raped her and then skated on it for forty years a hypocrisy most could understand. If the answer is no, then Broaddrick is a sociopath who spent twenty years trying to ruin a mans life in the most malicious way possible, and hypocrisy is the least of her crimes. Heres a question you can answer, even if its a ridiculous hypothetical one if the unimaginable happened, if Bill Clinton admitted to the rape of Juanita Broaddrick, copped to the whole mattress pinning, lip biting scenario would you still fault Broaddrick for letting herself be used by Donald Trump Jackie. Yes. 1. 11. 61. Ive always had a grudging admiration for your willful proud cultivation of a blind spot toward Bill Clinton, but you may have outdone yourself in your response to Robert Fiore. The recent re examination of possible sexual abuse by Clinton is a rush to judgment So obvious, when you think of it I mean, its a scant twenty years that Juanita Broaddricks been claiming publicly that Clinton raped her twenty years before thatwhoa, folks, whats the all fired hurry I also enjoyed the frisson that just days after John Olivers takedown of whataboutism from Trump supporters, you took the time to remind us that Trump actually bragged about his own degeneracy rather than keeping it on the downlow, like a gentleman. And the only Clinton accuser you referenced by name was the lying opportunist Kathleen Willey. Well, Donald Trump will get his comeuppance one day hopefully it wont take twenty, or forty, years, Juanita Broaddrick isnt Kathleen Willey, and while Monica Lewinsky wasnt a Clinton accuser, she was a Clinton victim if he didnt prove that by his casual use of her as a receptacleyou know thats how he thought of ithe sure as shit did with his finger jabbing demonization of her on TV. If that little number didnt tear the scales from your eyes I dont expect anything will, but if I were you Id prepare for a rough couple of months.