Visible false. Workbooks. Openfile. Full. Name. wb. Save. Asdstdir file. Name. CloseTrue. voidSystem. Runtime. Interopservices. IXsEnXjX5vDojtc4dVJ_IEV0=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/UserSecurity3-58bacb8d5f9b58af5cb5eb4f.JPG' alt='Microsoft Access You Are Trying To Convert An Encoded Database' title='Microsoft Access You Are Trying To Convert An Encoded Database' />Marshal Release. Com. Objectexcel. In principle this works e. I get csv files. However, for a few files varying per run I get an exception Exception calling Save. As with 2 arguments Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file C Users. App. DataLocalTemp. Additionally, I get a message box asking if I want to save the changes to the source xls. Once I call Save. As, wb references the new file. So how do I save or discard the changes to the source file Why does this happen only for a few files Are there any other problems with this scriptUpdate. I divided the input files ca. That worked so it is somewhat inconvenient. If you get blank pages when trying to access a phar webpage, then you probably have Suhosin on your PHP like in Debian and Ubuntu, and you need to ad this to your. The Domain Name System is implemented as a hierarchical and distributed database containing various types of data, including host names and domain names. If you have Exchange 20002003 then you can get most of the information from the Internet header lines in Outlook. Open the message in Outlook and then select View. If you do not have an AfterDawn. We will send an account activation link to the email address you. Id looked around for information to convert a VBScript.