Linux kernel Wikipedia. The Linux kernel is a monolithic. Unix like computer operating system kernel. The Linux family of operating systems is based on this kernel and deployed on both traditional computer systems such as personal computers and servers, usually in the form of Linux distributions,9 and on various embedded devices such as routers, wireless access points, PBXes, set top boxes, FTA receivers, smart TVs, PVRs, and NAS appliances. The Android operating system for tablet computers, smartphones, and smartwatches uses services provided by the Linux kernel to enable its functionality. While the adoption on desktop computers is low, Linux based operating systems dominate nearly every other segment of computing, from mobile devices to mainframes. As of November 2. Linux. 1. 0The Linux kernel was conceived and created in 1. Linus Torvalds1. Linux rapidly attracted developers and users who adopted it as the kernel for other free software projects, notably the GNU Operating System. The Linux kernel has received contributions from nearly 1. The Linux kernel API, the application programming interface API through which user programs interact with the kernel, is meant to be very stable and to not break userspace programs some programs, such as those with GUIs, rely on other APIs as well. As part of the kernels functionality, device drivers control the hardware mainlined device drivers are also meant to be very stable. Microsoft Silverlight library, learning resources, downloads, support, and community. Evaluate and find out how to install and use Silverlight. In2ZQB8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Code Project Report Software Source Student Portal' title='Code Project Report Software Source Student Portal' />Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. However, the interface between the kernel and loadable kernel modules LKMs, unlike in many other kernels and operating systems, is not meant to be very stable by design. The Linux kernel, developed by contributors worldwide, is a prominent example of free and open source software,1. Day to day development discussions take place on the Linux kernel mailing list LKML. Code Project Report Software Source Student Portal' title='Code Project Report Software Source Student Portal' />The Linux kernel is released under the GNU General Public License version 2 GPLv. HistoryeditIn April 1. Linus Torvalds, at the time a 2. University of Helsinki, Finland, started working on some simple ideas for an operating system. He started with a task switcher in Intel 8. On 2. 5 August 1. Torvalds posted the following to comp. Usenet 1. 8Im doing a free operating system just a hobby, wont be big and professional like gnu for 3. AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. Id like any feedback on things people likedislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat same physical layout of the file system due to practical reasons among other things. Ive currently ported bash1. This implies that Ill get something practical within a few months. Yes its free of any minix code, and it has a multi threaded fs. It is NOT portable uses 3. Code Project Report Software Source Student Portal' title='Code Project Report Software Source Student Portal' />AT harddisks, as thats all I have . Its mostly in C, but most people wouldnt call what I write C. It uses every conceivable feature of the 3. I could find, as it was also a project to teach me about the 3. As already mentioned, it uses a MMU, for both paging not to disk yet and segmentation. Its the segmentation that makes it REALLY 3. Mb segment for code data max 6. Gb. Anybody who needs more than 6. Mbtask tough cookies. Some of my C files specifically mm. C. Unlike minix, I also happen to LIKE interrupts, so interrupts are handled without trying to hide the reason behind them. After that, many people contributed code to the project. Early on, the MINIX community contributed code and ideas to the Linux kernel. At the time, the GNU Project had created many of the components required for a free operating system, but its own kernel, GNU Hurd, was incomplete and unavailable. The BSD operating system had not yet freed itself from legal encumbrances. Despite the limited functionality of the early versions, Linux rapidly gained developers and users. By September 1. 99. Linux kernel was released on the FTP server ftp. Finnish University and Research Network FUNET. It had 1. 0,2. 39 lines of code. In October 1. 99. Linux kernel was released. In December 1. 99. Linux kernel 0. 1. This version was the first to be self hosted as Linux kernel 0. When Torvalds released version 0. February 1. 99. 2, he adopted the GNU General Public License GPL over his previous self drafted license, which had not permitted commercial redistribution. A newsgroup known as alt. January 1. 99. 2, the first post to alt. On 3. 1 March 1. 99. The X Window System was soon ported to Linux. In March 1. 99. 2, Linux version 0. X. This large version number jump from 0. However, this proved to be somewhat overoptimistic, and from 1. On 1. 4 March 1. 99. Linux kernel 1. 0. In March 1. 99. 5, Linux kernel 1. Version 2 of the Linux kernel, released on 9 June 1. January 1. 99. 9 release of Linux kernel 2. December 1. 99. 9 IBM mainframe patches for 2. Linux kernel to be used on enterprise class machines. January 2. 00. 1 release of Linux kernel 2. December 2. 00. 3 release of Linux kernel 2. Starting in 2. 00. On 2. 1 July 2. 01. Torvalds announced the release of Linux kernel 3. Gone are the 2. 6. The version bump is not about major technological changes when compared to Linux 2. The time based release process remained the same. Version 3. 1. 0 of the Linux kernel, released in June 2. June 2. 01. 5, has grown to over 1. TanenbaumTorvalds debateeditThe fact that Linux is a monolithic kernel rather than a microkernel was the topic of a debate between Andrew S. Tanenbaum, the creator of MINIX, and Linus Torvalds. The debate, started in 1. Usenet discussion group comp. Linux and kernel architecture in general. Tanenbaum argued that microkernels were superior to monolithic kernels and that therefore Linux was obsolete. Unlike traditional monolithic kernels, device drivers in Linux are easily configured as loadable kernel modules and are loaded or unloaded while running the system. This subject was revisited on 9 May 2. May 2. 00. 6 Tanenbaum wrote a position statement. PopularityeditThe huge rise in popularity of the Android operating system, which includes the Linux kernel, has made the kernel the most popular choice for mobile devices, rivaling the installed base of all other operating systems. Including previous years, three billion Android smartphones were estimated to have been sold by the end of 2. Many consumer routers also use the Linux kernel,3. TVs, set top boxes, and webcams. Many desktop Linux distributions including the Linux kernel exist, but the usage share of Linux distributions is low in comparison to other operating systems. Legal aspectseditLicensing termseditInitially, Torvalds released Linux under a license which forbade any commercial use. This was changed in version 0. GNU General Public License GPL. This license allows distribution and sale of possibly modified and unmodified versions of Linux but requires that all those copies be released under the same license and be accompanied by the complete corresponding source code. Windows Update Access Type No Proxy Setting there. Torvalds has described licensing Linux under the GPL as the best thing I ever did. GPL version 3editThe Linux kernel is licensed explicitly only under version 2 of the GPL,6 without offering the licensee the option to choose any later version, which is a common GPL extension. There was considerable debate about how easily the license could be changed to use later GPL versions including version 3, and whether this change is even desirable. Torvalds himself specifically indicated upon the release of version 2. Browse Community. Skip to Content. Popular. All Content. Back to top.