Millennium Falcon Wookieepedia FANDOM powered by Wikia. Master Qui Gon, more to say, have you It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Millennium Falcon. Maximum speed atmosphereHyperdrive rating. Crew. Pilot 11Co pilot 11Gunners 2Communication systems. Present for battleseventsYou know, that ships saved my life quite a few times. Shes the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxyLando CalrissiansrcThe Millennium Falcon, originally known as YT 1. ZED, was a Corellian. YT 1. 30. 0flight freighter used by the smugglers. Han Solo and Chewbacca during the Galactic Civil War. It was previously owned by Lando Calrissian, who lost it to Solo in a game of sabacc. Its aged appearance belied numerous advanced modifications to boost the ships speed, weapons and shield, including a hyperdrive engine among the fastest in the entire galaxy, enabling it to outrun Imperial Star Destroyers. It included sensor proof smuggling compartments, which were used during the rescue of Princess. Leia Organa to evade Imperialstormtroopers. Afterwards, the Millennium Falcon saw further action when Solo chose to join the Rebels during the Battle of Yavin, where it was able to sneak up on Darth Vaders. TIE Advanced. After Han was captured on Bespin, Lando took command of the Falcon once more to search for him, and later flew the ship at the Battle of Endor, where it entered the Death Star II and destroyed it from within. During this battle, the starships circular military grade sensor dish was knocked off as Calrissian piloted it through the Death Stars interior. In the time following the Battle of Endor, the Imperial turncoat Ralsius Paldora noted that every 2. Falcons existence. In addition to its renowned hyperdrive, which supposedly made the Falcon the fastest ship in the galaxy, the ship was equipped with a backup hyperdrive. Compared to the primary engine, it was much slower and often took several weeks or months to reach the nearest star system. It also had a dejarik table featuring creatures found throughout the galaxy. At some point over the following thirty years, the sensor dish was replaced with the base rectangular model which was originally supplied with the ship. Description. Edit. Blueprints of the Millennium FalconFor once, sir, the Millennium Falcon actually appears to be in good working order. C 3. PO, during the Attack on Cymoon 1srcThe Millennium Falcon was a YT 1. YT 1. 30. 0f variety. Its basic shape was defined by two convex saucers welded together, a pair of front facing mandibles and an outrigger style, side mounted cockpit with transparisteelviewports. Apart from the shape of its chassis, the Falcon retained very little of its off the dock instrumentation. Because its successive owners either upgraded or downgraded every system according to their personal specifications, the freighter ended up becoming a unique ship. Greyhound Skill Crane Manual Fluid more. These customizations, however, came at the price of reliability, and the Falcon was known to suffer frequent breakdowns in the heat of battle. The Millennium Falcons Girodyne. SRB4. 2sublight engines were heavily modified through the addition of a SLAM overdrive that rerouted energy for acceleration bursts. Thanks to that, the ship could fly at a maxium speed of 1,0. G in space. 6 The stock hyperdrive of the YT 1. Isu Sim. SSP0. 5. Although the regular SSP0. Class 1 hyperdrive, the one that equipped the Falcon had been jury rigged Vandangante style into a Class 0. Galactic Empire. 5 According to Ralsius Paldora, the Millennium Falcons hyperdrive failed 1. YT 2. 40. 0 light freighter. Armament, hull and shields. 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Ax 1. 08 Ground Buzzer blaster cannon mounted near the ventral boarding ramp allowed its crew to defend the ship while on the ground. Duralloy plates salvaged from an Imperial cruiser afforded the Falcon a capital ship class hullarmor. The ship had three deflector shieldgenerators the bow was protected from both lasers and concussion missiles by Torplex and Nordoxicon units, while a Kuat Drive Yards generator shielded the stern. The Falcons combination of sublight speed and maneuverability was comparable to most of the starfighters fielded by the Rebellion and Empire, while its shielding, hyperdrive, and heavy weapons were on par with those typically found on capital ships. These traits made it an ideal choice for General. Lando Calrissians attack run within the bowels of the Death Star during the Battle of Endor. The Falcons only real combat weakness was its sheer size in comparison to starfighters. Although the ship had squeezed through many narrow spots in its history, it still lost the oversized sensor dish while trying to get through a particularly tight section of the Death. Stars superstructure. Other systems and equipments. Edit. The Falcons main source of power was a Quadex power core. Its main computer was made of three droid brains cannibalized from an R3 series astromech droid, a V 5 transport droid and a slicer droid. A pair of Gelieg. StrobeC Beam Lamps, which flooded illumination outside the ship, were mounted on the tips of the front mandibles. Early years. Edit. The YT 1. 30. YT 4. ZED was built in by the Corellian Engineering Corporation more than 9. Cold war. 6 As was intended, the ship began its career as an intermodal tug pushing container in orbital freight yards. Just after the Battle of Coruscant it was seen docking in the Senate Office Building. At some point, the ship acquired the name Millennium Falcon, and came into the hands of a humangambler called Lando Calrissian, who began to modify the freighter, inside and out. However, Calrissian ended up betting his ship in a Corellian Spike game of sabacc, and he lost to the smuggler. Han Solo. 2. 5 Under the captaincy of Solo, the Falcon was further customized. Galactic Civil War. Edit. A Fateful Trip. EditYou came in that thing Youre braver than I thought. Leia Organa upon seeing the Millennium Falcon for the first timesrcThe Falcon in Docking Bay 9. Tatooine, shortly before departing for Alderaan. The Millennium Falcons destiny as a tool for a small time smuggling operation was changed when it was chartered by Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker in Chalmuns Cantina for passage to Alderaan. When challenged by Kenobi about his ships speed, Solo cited that the Falcon was capable of attaining 0. Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. The journey to Alderaan proved to be much more than a simple passenger flight. The Falcon was forced to blast its way out of Mos Eisley when a garrison of stormtroopers attacked the ship in an attempt to recover its cargo. It also narrowly avoided capture by a couple of Star Destroyers before making the jump to lightspeed. The Falcon emerged from hyperspace into the remains of Alderaan. After chasing a single TIE fighter stranded in what appeared to be empty space, the Falcon was captured by one of the first Death Starstractor beams and secured aboard the massive space station.